A gas credit card can be a great way to save more money on gas purchases. However, if you don’t know how to find the right gas credit card, it can seem like a daunting task to sift through all the credit cards out there to find the best gas credit card. The good news is, you don’t have to go hunting to try and find the best card for your unique needs. Here are four of the best gas credit cards for you to consider if you’re looking for an option.
1. Chase Freedom Unlimited® Card – 1.5% Back
Chase Freedom Unlimited is a $0 annual fee card that offers all sorts of simple, general-purpose cash rewards. Even though it doesn’t have a special bonus for gas purchases, the Chase Freedom Unlimited card still offers better cashback on general purchases than most $0 annual fee cards. Plus, there are all kinds of other benefits available through this card, including up to 5% back on travel you book through Chase Ultimate Rewards.
2. Ink Business Cash℠ Credit Card – 2% Back
This business credit card also offers a $0 annual fee, and if you currently drive a lot for work, it can be a great gas credit card. This card gives you double cashback on your gas purchases, with up to $25,000 in combined restaurant and gas purchases eligible for extra cashback every year. Most entrepreneurs aren’t spending more than $25,000 per year on these things, making this a great gas card.
3. PenFed Platinum Rewards Visa Signature® Card – 5x Points
This is the biggest rewards card for gas in these four options. The PenFed card gives you a whopping 5x points at the pump, with no annual limit, meaning that it’s an incredible option for people who spend a lot of money filling up their gas tank. You need to join PenFed Credit Union to be eligible for this card, but the process is fairly simple, and the extra points that you can receive are definitely worth the small amount of work required.
4. Blue Cash Preferred® Card From American Express – 3% Back
At $95 per year, this is the only card on this list that has an annual fee, but it can be a great card for families that need an all-purpose rewards card. Not only do you get 3% on all your gas purchases, with no annual limit, but you can also get 6% back on streaming service purchases and 6% back on up to $6,000 per year at supermarkets. Plus, you can get 0% APR for 12 months when you sign up.
Gas credit cards are a great way to save more on your gas purchases every day. No matter how much you’re spending on gas, a credit card could help you keep your purchases straight and get something back every time you need to fill up the tank. Consider these four gas credit cards next time you’re looking for the best one.