When getting into a car accident you need to be prepared for what steps to take afterward in order to ensure your safety and also to take care of your car. Obviously nothing comes before your health and wellbeing, but if you are okay and not injured from the accident, you want to make sure you take the necessary steps to save your car; calling a personal injury attorney might be a good idea as well.
No one wants to get into a car accident, but it is often inevitable, and it could be an accident on your end, even if you were driving recklessly for a moment imagining that you were part of the cast of Fast and Furious, or even caused by another driver. Nevertheless, you want to be prepared for any type of situation and not blindsided by the event.
Here are some recommended steps that you need to take after getting into a car accident.
1. Check Yourself For Injuries
Always make sure you check yourself first, regardless of anything that is happening around you, you need to make sure that you are safe and out of danger. After doing this, if you are okay, check your fellow passengers to see if any of them need any help. Do the same thing for the driver on the other end of the accident, even if you didn’t cause the crash, you are going to want to check that the other driver is well and without harm.
Helping out the other driver will also make you look like a person willing to cooperate and might give the other driver a better impression of you for further claims.
2. Move Somewhere Safe
Accidents often occur in the middle of the road, with cars still passing by. If you are on the highway or in the middle of the road, make sure you carefully remove yourself from that dangerous place into a safer one. If it’s possible, take out the important papers from the glovebox to call the insurance, and then with you to somewhere safe.
3. Take Pictures
If everyone is safe, take pictures of the accident, especially if it wasn’t your fault. Take a picture of the license plates of the car that caused the accident and also take shots of his car. Make sure you document everything for insurance purposes, they might want to know what truly happens, and often pictures and videos can tell all. Also, there are some people that might have caused the accident but will blame it on you, to make sure their insurance also covers them, so make sure you document as much as you can.
4. Make Calls
If an accident occurs, definitely call 911 and ask for an ambulance for the injured parties, or even the police if you need some help. The next call you are going to want to make it to your insurance and let them know you have been in an accident. They can often locate you and even ask if they can call an ambulance on your favor. Last, of all, call your family or friends if you need any help or someone to be by your side.